Twenty Eleven
1995 Selects
1997 Selects Team II
2000 Selects
2001 Selects
1997 Selects
 Goaltending Coach Specialists Kenny Delsanto Chris Sullivan Joe Lofberg
Coach - Pat Belloise
 Coach - Kenny Delsanto
Coach - Jim Flament Coach - Joe Lofberg
Asst Coach Aaron Lindzenberg
Coach - Mike Sparago
 Coach - Joe Griffo

Aidan Connolly D
Matthew Jaworski F
Markus Kivisikk D
Joseph Koons F
Gunnar Marks D
Jack Naidrich  F
John Patrick Nolan D
Michael Posma  C
Justin Rauch   D/C
Daniel Scott  D
Jacob Serey  F
 Trevor Souza  D
Jack Sparago  F
Mark Cinotti  C
Aiden Grieco  D
Brendan McCaskey  G
Max Schwartz  G

Philip Babb   G
John Capparelli    G
Tyler Brooks  F
Casey DeLorenzo F
Jake Healey F
Thomas Kemly F
Kevin Murphy F
Maurice Murphy D
Will Rubin  F
Justin Tiso  F
Ryan Fitzgerald D
CJ Geering D
Gary Healy  D
Cody Klein F
Steven Schapiro D
Kevin Hill  F
Tom Mahoney  D
Brandon Rosario  F

Chris Mazzella F
Nick Carbone F
Troy Daniels D
Eric Delgizzo D
CJ Greco F
Holden Gruber D
Daniel Jayson F
Nicholas Kim D
Anthony Persico F
Alex Poltarakov  F
Brian Quinn D
John Scarano F
Sean White F
Nick Andresini D
David Dachille F
Michael Redgate F
Ryan Faulkner    G
Christopher Mattone G

Jared Ceol      G
Mark Moutinho   G
Austin Johnson  C/D
Mickey Meehan F
Christopher Nolan F
Anthony Percacciolo F
Kevin Shroeder  F
Erik Syre  F
Alex Kim F
Holden Gruber  D
Kyle Javier  C
James Morina  F
Daniel Jayson  F
Nicholas Kim  D
Nick Andresini D
Nick Carbone  F
Mike Taglione D

     Dash Quartarolo F

Zach Pokorny D
Nicholas Zaragozza F Dakota Concannon F Lucas Rowe  D
Curtis McGriskin F
Misha Mrotchek  D
Robert Schweizer D

Tyler Bost   G
Stephan Brennan   G
Andrew Boucher   Def
Matthew Boucher   Def
Evan Cama    F
Christian Cupani    Def
Conor Dal     F
Harrison Gdanski   F
Owen Healy     F
Bryan Latawiec     F
Eric McNamara   Def
Stephen Petersen    Def
William Pols    F
Ben Sudol   F
Allen Tobin   F
Liam Wynne   Def
Aaron Gdanski - Practice  G

Image Galleries  1 Practice

FINALIST: Squirt Major
Jr IslanderInvitational Tournament
May 15 2011

Image Galleries  2  2001 Shelton Ct

Image Galleries

Team 2001 Shelton Ct.pdf

Team 1997 Brewster.pdf

1997 Champions Brewster Weekend Doghouse Tournament
May 20 -22 2011

Team 1995 Memorial Meltdown Hatfield Ice.pdf

Image Galleries  3 1997 Brewster NY

Team 2000 Summer Showdown.pdf

TEAM 1995
Memorial Meltdown
Hatfield Ice Arena
 May 28,29,30 2011

Team 1997 II Brewster May.pdf

Team 1995 Boston Icemen.pdf

Team 1997 Summer Championships.pdf

2011 rosters

Teram 1997 II Brewster.pdf

2001 Champions Brewster Weekend Doghouse Tournament
June 17 -19 2011

TEAM 1995
Boston Icemen Midget
June 17-19

Team 2001 Brewster.pdf

Team 2000 Brewster NY.pdf

Team programs

Image Gallery  4 Team 2001  Brewster NY

Video Slide show Gallery 5 Team 2001  Brewster NY

Image Gallery  6 Team 99/00 Brewster NY (Courtesey Of Dae Kim)

Image Gallery  7 Team 1997 II  Brewster NY (Courtesey Of Dae Kim)